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Products with tag "EX560·XLS Antenna" in category "XTS 5000 Antennas "

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Motorola 8505644V03 Antenna , 8505644V03 Heliflex Antenna , VHF Band, Helical 162-174 MHz Heliflex antennas are specifically engineered for maximum output and greatest communication coverage.
Radio ModelXTS 1500 , MTX8000 , ASTRO Saber , XTS 2500 , MTX838 , EX560·XLS , XTS 3000 , MTX9000 , HT1000 , XTS 3500 , MTX·LS , JT1000 , XTS 5000 , PR1500 , MT 1500 , VISAR , MTS2000 Manufacturer Motorola